Some of the things that make Sukma / Soul and Spirit out of the body

  • Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

  •   The modern world but whose name remained there until the human element when puand take careful measures to maintain and fortify itself from outside interference,whether we realize atupaun not.
    There are many things that make the soul / soul and spirit out of the body, among others;

    1. Request pesugihan / wealth of the place or in addition to the Creator GODALMIGHTY, the personask pesugihan will automatically soul leaves the body and there is soul in his body guards . Usually they do not realize because it does not seem to the layman.
    The danger for these people is if he did worship, his good deeds are not registered butif you do sin and equipment are recorded at the end of the day and tomorrow I'll nevergo to heaven if death does not repent or ask forgiveness from GOD ALMIGHTY.

    2.Sukma atu soul can go out for sure if fate did require that she go back to the creator,and also had an accident, sickness and other sebagainyanya, while those in a coma isout of his soul but the spirit that comes out.

    Sukma / Soul and Spirit, What's the difference?


  • In the Javanese belief many disciplines related to science and science ejiwaan peeling of man as a whole and the elements that make human lelemen to say perfect, yes perfect religiously and literally.
    Before stepping away peeling of Sukma, or the soul and spirit let us describe what an important element to the above;

    1. Sukma or soul is the most important element that makes human beings can be said to live and create in nature. Sukma can be said out of the body if man is dead and destined to die, it can be caused by many things, among others, pain, and the fate of the divine / age.
    How, if death due to accidents and in witchcraft people?. People who die because of 2 things mentioned above can not be said to die completely because even though the soul / spirit has returned to the Creator but the spirit is still felt alive until the fate of their age.
    Sukma created in advance rather than the spirit or the body, and every human life has a soul / spirit. Sukma not know each other even though the place is very close to the spirit within our body.

    2. Spirit is the most important element to the two after Sukma and located between the skin and outside of human flesh, unlike the brother "Sukma that are beyond human bone and human flesh.
    When humans die, the spirit came to the grave selslu so different from the Sukma.

    Witchcraft law in Indonesia ..!!!


  • witchcraft
    Lying helpless at the end of the road narrow alley of a street in the city of Semarang. Call œtrajuâ â € €??, Beat him in the future because the accused had been doing witchcraft / menyantet kostnya neighbor lady companion.A young child who grombolan led œDendiâ € â €? do œsmack downâ € â €? traju face who started bruising.In addition œbudionoâ € â €? Peer dendi also launched a foot and bogem metah to face traju antecedent annunciator to witchcraft in the village artisans ..!!!Is that stupid people to interpret about a legal dilemma witchcraft ..???Can prove whether, like chicken thief ..????Want tehe ..???
    Love rejected, shaman berindak ..!!!! Ever heard the proverbial ..???? If not, do not lie deh Ahhhh ... you just read right?Gini eScoret reply dear reader, many are melegal out an act of witchcraft / menyantet for love affairs. I still do not care what you guys do not want to believe. But, a person acts injurious to others such as witchcraft / menyantet, very difficult for the legal noose. Facts and relative distinguished cases, make laws for people who like black magic / menyantet can freely roam the jalan2.
    Fig-one tool Nyantet ..!!!
    Fact: many facts which developed in the community about the death of Indonesian people who aneh2, eg stomach contained a pair of scissors, razor blades and nails .. pokonya serem2 deh yg. But when the proposed expert witness from the medical (red-doctor), would be another. The doctor would have explained at length without that person's / victim's death or illness due to certain diseases which can he described in accordance with the disciplines of medical science that he has.Well, the thing will be different to when we ask the astrologer, call œGus Jibanâ € â €? of Kendal. He certainly gave a different description to the analysis Pak doctor. That the victim was a distinguished person / victim who died was karen witchcraft.

    Fig - similar kyk above description, Tools for Nyantet too ..!!!
    Result: every action, there must be re-action, it is already the law of nature since there newtons. That witchcraft had a pretty intense action reply for the victim, prolonged pain is one of the real thing ujudnya.Remember, apply only to human santent sajaâ € | then do not be surprised klo œjos bushâ yesterday â € €? to continue its normal bogor colleagues œGus Jibanâ € â €? give santent to œOm bushâ € â €? â € |. Ya no mempanâ € | lha wong witchcraft was created manusiaâ € | nah Jos bush is not evil .. Halah ..!!!!
    Solution: go back to the story â € traju antecedent?? Smack downâ €?? Rame2 by Dendi and his colleagues.Dendi and Budiono furious because the room contained barang2 traju tribal antecedent would have thought a tool for action memperlacar witchcraft / menyantet.So I think his own, an act of witchcraft / menyantet proved very difficult in a formal reply in dapet science in college desk.Upset, angry .. and maybe that's who stir bercamopur terlampiaskan to make raw bogem the perpetrators of witchcraft / menyantet it.Currently, whether existing legislation bener2 trap for the perpetrator santent ..???? And his application of course, it takes too orang2 yangg have the skills like œGus Jibanâ € â €? for her Anlisa and unload cases of an act of evil witchcraft / menyantetâ € |.!!!!
    Looks like we have to believe with such hal2 itu € |.Klo not, your taxable siap2 witchcraft ..!!!!!
    So ..

    Traditional Houses of the Kudus

  • Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

  • Traditional House Ghost is one of the traditional houses that reflect the cultural acculturation Holy society. Traditional Houses of the Holy has a roof shaped joglo pencu, with buildings that dominated the typical four-dimensional sculpture of the Holy City which is a fusion style of sculpture from Hindu culture, the Persian (Islamic), China, and Europe.The house is expected to begin construction in 1500-an M with the main raw material (95%) of high quality teak wood with knock-down mounting system (apart pairs without nails)featureTraditional Houses of the Holy lies not just in the beauty of its architecture dominated by the high quality sculpture, but also on the completeness of its constituent components that have different philosophical meanings.Firstforms and motifs carved follow the pattern (a kind of animal many-legged spider), elephant keepers, jasmine flowers, dragon motif, pineapple (honeycomb), motifs of birds, and others.
    Secondspatial structure of the traditional houses have Jogo satru living room with pillars Geder / single pole as a symbol that God is One God / Single. This section serves as a reminder to residents of the house for always faithful and righteous to Him.
    Thirdgedhongan senthong / family room with four pillars that supported the teacher / support poles. The fourth pillar is the symbol that gives instructions for residents to be able to sustain his daily life with four control human nature: anger (impetus for disobedience), lawwamah (encouragement correcting myself), Shofiyah (tenderness), Mutmainnah (encouragement to do good).FourthPawon / kitchen at the very back of house building.Fifthpakiwan (bathroom) as a symbol for man was always cleaned up both physical and spiritual.Sixthplants around pakiwan, among others: starfruit trees, which symbolize the five pillars of Islam; pandan fragrance, as a symbol of good fortune that fragrant / lawful and good; jasmine flower, which symbolizes the fragrance, good manners and noble character, and chastity.Seventhlayout of the house facing south toward meaning for the owner of the house as if it did not "assume" Mount Moriah (which lies to the north), so it does not aggravate his daily life.
    Maintenance procedures performed traditional house is also a peculiarity own Ghost that may not be found in other places.Type of basic material that is used to treat Indigenous Houses of the Holy is the herb that is obtained based on empirical experience inherited by generations, the herb APT (Water Banana stem and Tobacco) and ARC (Air Rendaman Cloves)

    How to counteract Witchcraft / Black Magic Natural

  • Senin, 16 Mei 2011

  • In all modern era, witchcraft is still a bagiab most important in our lives. This can be viewed from the number of clinics specializing in treatment of witchcraft and its surroundings.
    But actually there is a natural item to ward off witchcraft and easy to do each person. To counteract the witchcraft / black magic is a special at home to protect its residents Darin,
    You must hear that pork bones are very powerful to ward off witchcraft / black magic premises only to bury his bone in the 4 corners of the front right and left and right behind the house also left, for a logical explanation I still can not explain the language of the layman, but This indeed can and try, hopefully can help you,
    If youyou have any questions can comment here .

    Variety of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Medical and health science technologies imposed by the western scientific progresses over time. But like a double-edged piasu, seiringmajunya these technologies is also growing more and more variants of the disease and ferocity.
    People who are familiar with the title doctor and hospitalization in the subject of healing and medicine, recently began trying to find another term for health solutions. TCM treatment as another term for healing and health solutions become increasingly familiar and elected.
    Options beragan TCM treatment techniques that were presented, among others, acupuncture, acupressure, laser therapy and acupuncture jade.

    Same concept different techniques
    Know the real from the word Acus acupuncture (needles) and pungere (puncture) in Latin.
    Acupuncture is considered as one way of health that can ease the pain, prevent disease, improve health, or cure disease.
    Acupuncture treatment is also often in sandingkan with moxibustion. namely treatment using moxa plant.
    Another technique that is still using the same concept to acupuncture is acupressure.
    Acupressure is a way of healing through a finger or hand pressure on the elbow which dikasarkan on acupuncture points in the whole body. With sensitivity and strength of the finger, acupressure is used for beauty treatments, healing trauma, emotional / stress and increase body immunity.
    Similarly variety of traditional Chinese medicine, may be useful.

    Night Market Tradition and Sekatenan Jogja

  • Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

  • 1 of 1 kompasianer interest rate
    Place of public entertainment jogja Sekaten celebration is one of the annual momentum which is always awaited by the people of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, this celebration is also enlivened by the night market for a solid month on the plaza north of Yogyakarta Palace. Sekaten event held to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
    In the event this sekaten we can witness a variety of popular entertainment are staged every night on a stage entertainment in the middle of the market crowd. We can also try different games, enjoy a unique culinary offerings Sekaten, and shop a wide variety of merchandise that was held at various booths.
    Boat othok-othok, toys typical sekaten
    Meriahnya celebration this Sekaten main attraction of visitors from all circles of society, from village and town, from outside of Yogyakarta to the foreign tourists. Even the small Bolang (my nephew) is also not miss the festive night market that was already a tradition for the people of Jogja to attend this event.
    And at last week's event will perdengarkan gamelan music that sounded during the seven days before the Mosque Gedhe Kauman. Gamelan in the courtyard will be sounded three times a day that is at 8:00 to 11:00 pm, 14:00 to 17:00 pm, and 20:00 to 23:00 pm. Gamelan will not be beaten from Thursday night until Friday after Friday prayers.
    Various game at the night market sekaten